
July 14, 2010 @ 02:17pm

In which the Provost is argued with, an Empire is flown over, the capibility of the Guard is judged, tea is requested, what Vrussian do with their time is considered, no interest in debating theoretical topics is shown, and engine is decribed, as well as the horror it evokes.
You can check out Flying Island Press at flyingislandpress.com. Their Twitter, with the cool logo, is FlyingIslandPre
The Fables of the Flying City theme was written and performed by Russell Collins of www.clockworkaudio.net
 Episode 8 - A Bitter Brew: Play Now | Play in Popup | Download
July 8, 2010 @ 03:39pm

In which a night visitor calls, a pilot is defended, the wisdom of Consaguine is expressed, healing is given, a tale is suspended, a kiss is planted, a lack of beer is lamented, and a pillow is weaponized.
JR Blackwell and I talk about comedy with Podcasting’s Rich Sigfrit on Requiem of the Outcast
And I go on an on about comicbook movies on Rich’s other podcast, Cinemafreaks
The Fables of the Flying City theme was written and performed by Russell Collins of www.clockworkaudio.net
 Episode 7 - On My Blood: Play Now | Play in Popup | Download
July 2, 2010 @ 10:47am
Episode 4 is a long one, approximately one hour and forty-five minutes of solid interview with the multi-talented Jared Axelrod! Steampunk, comics, podcasting and more – strap in for a fun and geeky ride, dear listener. 🙂
Jared Axelrod links:
Web site – http://jaredaxelrod.com
Fables of the Flying City – http://www.fablesoftheflyingcity.com/
Tales from the Uncanny Valley
The Sovereign Era: Year One
Podthology: The Pod Complex
Twitter – http://twitter.com/planetx
J. R. Blackwell (Jared’s lovely and talented wife) links:
Web sites:
Photos – http://www.flickr.com/photos/jrblackwell/
Book – Her Side with Mur Lafferty
Twitter – http://twitter.com/jrblackwell
I can be found and contacted at:
Web Site: http://gowmainframe.blogspot.com/
Twitter: @mainframe (or @gowmainframe for tweets just about the podcast)
Email: gowmainframe at gmail dot com
Voice Mail: 206-350-0528
Songs used are “Space Ride” & “Around”, from the album “Around” by Oursvince at http://www.oursvince.com
The podcast is distributed via Libsyn.com & Feedburner
Thanks for listening!
 Geek Out! With Mainframe - Episode 4, Interview with Jared Axelrod: Play Now | Play in Popup | Download
Filed under:
News by Jared
June 30, 2010 @ 12:40am

In which a cavalcade of food in paraded, smoking is finally allowed, where to place blame is considered, Ashe’s future is discussed, the usefulness of consequences are questioned, and how much soup forgets is revealed.
Mur Lafferty’s Tumblr is here: mightymur.tumblr.com This is the post in question: Podcasting Turns Six
You can ask Hanner Gatling anything at her Formspring page: http://www.formspring.me/HannerGatling She will answer. Of that you can be sure.
The Fables of the Flying City theme was written and performed by Russell Collins of www.clockworkaudio.net
 Episode 6: The Consequences of Soup: Play Now | Play in Popup | Download
June 23, 2010 @ 12:32am

In which a new world is entered, a sharp woman is introduced, the longevity of legends in discussed, a pilot is noticed, a warning about knives and body parts is given, and lies are not told, despite what one may wish.
You can ask Hanner Gatling anything at her Formspring page: http://www.formspring.me/HannerGatling She will answer. Of that you can be sure.
The Fables of the Flying City theme was written and performed by Russell Collins of www.clockworkaudio.net
 Episode 5: A Time of Extreme Reality: Play Now | Play in Popup | Download
June 16, 2010 @ 08:28am

In which the merits of deserts are discussed, uniforms are described, gentlemen are introduced, a rival makes her presence known, a fight is broken, and soup is flung.
If you’d like to check out the next Dorian’s Parlor, their websitie is http://www.doriansparlor.com/
Tome Wilson’s Dieselpunk page is here: http://www.dieselpunks.org/ It’s a cool site, and worth poking around in.
The Fables of the Flying City theme was written and performed by Russell Collins of www.clockworkaudio.net
 Episode 4: Soldiers' Mess: Play Now | Play in Popup | Download
June 9, 2010 @ 08:33am

In which a new voice is heard, the joys and downfalls of Sultansport is revealed, a heart is mused upon, and a writer travels up.
Special thanks to Jennifer Summerfield, for reading this episode.
You can ask Hanner Gatling anything at her Formspring page: http://www.formspring.me/HannerGatling She will answer. Of that you can be sure.
The Fables of the Flying City theme was written and performed by Russell Collins of www.clockworkaudio.net
 Episode 3: Gatling Strides Forth: Play Now | Play in Popup | Download
June 3, 2010 @ 12:01am
For those who weren’t able to attend, this is essentially what it looked like.

Photo by JR Blackwell

Photo by JR Blackwell

Photo by Scott Roche
There’s a few more on my Flickr and in the Balticon 44 pool.
Thanks to JR, Russell Collins and Jennifer Rodgers for helping me set, clean up and serving all that tea and pastry. I couldn’t have done it without you.
Filed under:
News by Jared
June 2, 2010 @ 11:49pm

In which we see the consequences of recklessness, our heroine stands tall, an acrobat is revealed, a tall woman despences disiplinary measures, tattoos are shown, and for a brief moment, an angel is seen.
The excellent model was created by Skott Stotland of the Nerd Signal
People I hung out with at Balticon: JR Blackwell (natch), Christiana Ellis, Mur Lafferty, Jim Van Verth, Dr. John Cmar, Laura Burns, Dr. Pamela Gay, Tee Morris, Phillipa Ballantine, Phil Rossi, Chooch, Viv, Nathan Lowell, Scott Roche, the Family Pick, Ms. Information, DDog, Nobilis, Podcasting’s Rich Sigfrit, Susan Z, RDQ, Scott Breakall, Paul Fischer and Martha Holloway.
The Fables of the Flying City theme was written and performed by Russell Collins of www.clockworkaudio.net
 Episode 2: When Angels Leave: Play Now | Play in Popup | Download
May 30, 2010 @ 10:14am

In which we meet our heroine, the honesty of the Provost is questioned, a private is made, a pilot is discovered, the elements of shooting is described, and a barrel finds itself in a dangerous predicament.
Recorded live at Balticon.
The Fables of the Flying City theme was written and performed by Russell Collins of www.clockworkaudio.net
 Episode 1: The Business of Scars: Play Now | Play in Popup | Download